
The reasons I’m a happy & blessed women


I am a mother of 3 wonderful children, Tyler 28, Nicholas 25, Ashlie 23.  I have 2 awesome and spunky grandchildren, Aubri 6 & Jackson 3.   I have been married to my husband Brad for the last 29 years and for him and the grace of God I was blessed to have the privileged to be a stay at home mom when they were little.   They were my world then and still are now.   When they went off to school everyday I went and sought education and finding others that had similar hobbies as myself and perfected my education, hobbies and crafts. They eventually grew up and found careers and significant others:

Tyler & Hilary, Nicholas & Lindy and Ashlie & Brennan so when they set out to start their new lives and families and empty nesting set in …….I set out to find ME!

I am a freelance photographer, first time blogger (as you will tell from my many mistakes), cook, seamstress (love making children’s clothes), cosmetologist, insurance agent, future author of a cookbook, basically in the words of my older brother I am basically your “womb to tomb” service person. I am a firm believer in education as you can tell. You are never too old, too tired, or too busy to learn something new. Some may laugh and wonder what is wrong with you for doing and trying anything your heart desires but NO ONE can EVER take your education away from you. Life is short why not try everything. You may like some you may hate some. I may not always be referred to as the most politically correct person or I may use words that I should not use. I am in no way trying to offend anyone I can assure you all. I am Cajun born and a true Cajun to the depths of my soul and I am very comfortable and happy with who I am and who I have become. I am the type of person who says what she thinks and I express my honest opinion at the drop of a hat whether you want to hear it or not. If I set my mind to doing something I am going to go in guns blazing, jump in and try my best to master it. I may not always have success but without failure nothing is possible. You have to fall, fail and have fun till you know what you’re doing. That’s why many of my true friends and family love the person I am and know that no matter what I have their back and they have mine. I am a fun loving very outgoing person who LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to have a great time no matter where or with whom I am with. I am the aunt every one wants and that same aunt that my nieces and nephews may get embarrassed of but they always love coming around and being with their Taunt T. So with all that said I hope you all enjoy my blog and I hope my knowledge can help you all along the way!